It all began with a picture of a faun carrying an umbrella and parcels in a snowy woodland.
This picture had been in my mind since I was about sixteen. Then one day, when I was about forty,
I said to myself: “Let’s try to make a story about it."
C.S. Lewis

Typical pre-covid seating arrangement
at 12 West 11th Street
The Church of the Ascension
Greenwich Village, NYC

Pre-covid, before our December meeting,
we gathered on the steps of 12 West 11th Street
for Christmas caroling.
David Korngay leads on guitar.

In the background, lining up for dinner
at our 2009 program in the Fulton Sheen Center.
Sitting at table: Sorina Higgins, William and Lori O'Flaherty.

Advertisement for 40th Anniversary Weekend 2009
James Como, Rev Joseph Koterski, S.J.,
Christopher Mitchell and Joseph Pearce

1978 Letter from Blessed Fulton Sheen to James Como
displayed at our 2009 programt at the Fulton Sheen Center, NYC

Jim Como poses with Tom Selleck
(look-alike) - Eric Wurthmann