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Chronological Summary
of CSL Bulletins
​No. 1, November 1969
Report of founding meeting. Two pages.
No. 2, December 1969
Miracles. Business and discussion report. Essay: "The Incarnation in the Works of C.S. Lewis" by Byron Lambert. Eight pages.
No. 3, January 1970
"Christianity and Culture: An Interpretation of C.S. Lewis," with essay by Dr. Robert Ives; C.S.L. Question Box and Quiz #1. Twelve pages.
No. 4, February 1970
Meeting on "Objections to Lewis"; Society business. Five pages.
No. 5, March 1970
"Chronological Snobbery." Four pages.
No. 6, April 1970
Till We Have Faces. Four pages.
No. 7, May 1970
"Impressions of Lewis as a Man," with Miss Jane Douglass and Prof. Thomas Howard; essay, "An Enduring Friendship," by Miss Douglass. Six pages.
No. 8, June 1970
"C.S. Lewis and Modern Theological Thought," with Dr. Ronald Grimes. Three pages.
No. 9, July 1970
The Great Divorce. Essay: "C.S. Lewis as Amateur Philosopher" by Paul Vincent. Eight pages.
No. 10, August 1970
"CSL and Politics." Question Box. Three pages.
Bulletins 1-10 Together - - $10​​ (55 pages in all)
No. 11, September 1970
The Magician's Nephew and The Last Battle. Extracts
​from letters. Question Box. Six pages.
No. 12, October 1970
Lyric poetry and the poetry of C. S. Lewis.
​Question Box. Letters. Seven pages.
No. 13, November 1970
Reflections on the Psalms, with essay by Bryon Lambert. Question Box. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 14, December 1970
The Silver Chair and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Question Box. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 15, January 1971
The Abolition of Man, with "Notes" by Richard Hodgens. Articles: "A Brief Study of Implied Disjunctive Syllogisms"​ by J. R. Christopher; "Quid Est Veritas? Est Vir Adest" ​by Henry Noel; "The Greening of America and ​The Abolition of Man" by Eugene McGovern. Book notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 16, February 1971
The Pilgrim's Regress, with "A Guide" by Henry Noel. ​Notes. Letters. Twenty-four pages.
No. 17, March 1971
"C.S. Lewis: Literary Critic." Article by James Como: "The Critical Principles of C.S. Lewis." Bibliography of articles and books about Lewis. Letters. Sixteen pages.
No. 18, April 1971
Miracles. Articles: "The Reception of C.S. Lewis in Germany" by Gisbert Kranz; "The Composition of The Chronicles of Narnia" by Richard Shramko; "New Light on Narnia" by William Linden; Excerpts from "The Chronicles of Narnia and the Adolescent Reader" by John W. Montgomery. Letters. Sixteen pages.
No. 19, May 1971
"Charles Williams and C.S. Lewis," with excerpts from essay by Prof. Jack Boies. Essays: "All Lies in a Passion of Patience" by Eugene Warren; "What is the C.S. Lewis Society About?" by Henry Noel. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 20, June 1971
"Does the evolution of human consciousness, notably in the Counter-Culture, give grounds for optimism about the future of Mankind?," with Profs. Peter Kreeft and William Marra. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 21, July 1971
The Four Loves. Reprinted from Time, "Don v. Devil" (Sept. 8, 1947), "Defender of the Faith" (Dec. 6, 1963). Letters. Eight pages.
No. 22, August 1971
Mere Christianity. Two unpublished letters by Lewis. Essay: "On the CSL Theory of the Composition of the Chronicles of Narnia" by J.R. Christopher. Letters. Six pages.
No. 23, September 1971
A Grief Observed. Essay: "A Theological Triolet" by J.R. Christopher. Letters. Six pages.
No. 24, October 1971
"CSL on Words." Essays: "Philology in Out of the Silent Planet" ; by Karen Farley, and "CSL on Science" by Henry Noel. Notes. Letters. Six pages.
No. 25, November 1971
The Screwtape Letters, with "A Personal View" and "Some Accomplishments Claimed by the Lowerarchy" by Hope Kirkpatrick. Winning essays in the Screwtape Competition by "Another Clerk" and Craig Lawson. Essay: "Introduction to Lewis" by Charles A. Brady, reprinted from America (May 27, 1944). Letters. Eight pages.
No. 26, December 1971
"Memories of Lewis" with Christopher Derrick as guest speaker. Summary of the Question Box, QB I to QB 45, by Henry Noel. Essay: "C.S. Lewis: II" by Charles A. Brady, reprinted from America (June 10, 1944). Letters. Eight pages.
No. 27, January 1972
The Problem of Pain. Essay: "Apologist versus Apologist: A Critique of C.S. Lewis as 'Defender of the Faith'" by Norman Pittenger, reprinted from The Christian Century (October 1, 1958). Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 28, February 1972
Letters to Malcolm, with "An Appraisal" by Robert Merchant. Essays: "Star-Begotten on the Silent Planet" by Richard Hodgens; excerpts from "C.S. Lewis" by Walter Hooper, reprinted from The Franciscan (September 1967). Letters. Eight pages.
No. 29, March 1972
The Discarded Image, with excerpts from "A Survey" by Evelyn Herzog. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 30, April 1972
Poems. Notice by Walter Hooper of the death of Katherine Farrer. Essay: "Finding God in Narnia" by Charles A. Brady, reprinted from America (October 27, 1956). Letters. Eight pages.
No. 31, May 1972
"An Evening with Owen Barfield." Essay: "C.S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table" by the Rev. Canon Adam Fox. Notes. Letters. Ten pages. Supplement to No. 31: Reprint of "Philology and the Incarnation" by Owen Barfield with a bibliography of Mr. Barfield's works. Five pages.
No. 32, June 1972
"Lewis's View of Animals," with paper by Helen Cooper. Essays: "Narnia: The Journey and the Garden Symbols in The Magician's Nephew and The Horse and His Boy," by "Another Clerk" ; "Arthurian Torso: Lewis Among the Metaphysicals" by James Mark Purcell. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 33, July 1972
Out of the Silent Planet, with "The Planetology of C.S. Lewis: In Summary" by Richard Hodgens. Essays: "J.B.S. Haldane, Jailer" by Richard Hodgens; "Who was J.B.S. Haldane?" Question Box. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 34, August 1972
"Major Warren H. Lewis," with bibliography of Major Lewis. Essays: "Identifications of Lewis's Dedicatees; "Joy Davidman's Letter to a Comrade" by Jerome McGovern. Bibliography of Joy Davidman's Works. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 35, September 1972
"Lewis and Education." Essays: "Some Preliminary Thoughts on Lewis and Freud" by Hope Kirkpatrick; "'...And I Quote': A Survey of Lewis's Citations of George MacDonald" by Muriel Hutton. Summary of responses to the Society's questionnaire by Henry Noel. A note on college courses dealing with Lewis. Financial report. Eighteen pages.
No. 36, October 1972
A Preface to Paradise Lost, with essay by Donald A. Roberts. Essay: "C.S. Lewis in Milton Criticism" by James Como. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 37, November 1972
"Lewis and Rational Individualism." Essays: "Narrative Poems" by James Mark Purcell; "C.S. Lewis vs. Restoration Comedy" by J.R. Christopher; "Letter from Holland" by E.J. VanWaasdijk. Notes. Question Box. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 38, December 1972
Perelandra, with essay, "Myth and Belief in Perelandra" by James Como. Note on "Perelandra as Opera" by Hope Kirkpatrick. Eight pages.
No. 39, January 1973
"Obstinacy in Belief," with essay by Eugene McGovern. Memoir, "The Prophet Lewis" by Dr. Erik Routley. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 40, February 1973
"Lewis Contra Freud" with essay by Hope Kirkpatrick. Memoir, "Meeting with C.S. Lewis..." by Charles Wrong. Essay: "C.S. Lewis: Foe of Humanism" by George C. Anderson, reprinted from The Christian Century (December 25, 1946). Notes. Letters. Fourteen pages.
No. 41, March 1973
That Hideous Strength, with map of the University of Edgestow by Mary Kirkpatrick. Essay: "Can Lewis and Freud be Reconciled?" by Robert Plank. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 42, April 1973
English Literature in the Sixteenth Century, with "An Introduction" by Kay Stevenson. Essays: "C.S. Lewis and the Worship of the Church" by Donald A. Roberts; "Lewis vs. Empson: Was Eden Plato's or OGPU's?" by James Mark Purcell; "A Reply to Dr. Plank" by Hope Kirkpatrick; "Lewis vs. Bultmann in L'Aigle" by Henry Noel; "A Production at Magdalen" by Mary Legg. Notes. Letters. Fourteen pages.
No. 43, May 1973
"Anthroposophy: The Teachings of Rudolf Steiner with Special Reference to C.S. Lewis," with essay by Amos Franceschelli. Book notes by Richard Hodgens. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 44, June 1973
"Sehnsucht," with essay, "Sehnsucht and Joy" by Robert C. Rice. Essay: "The Scholar's Tale," reprinted from Times Literary Supplement (January 7, 1965). Letters. Eight pages.
No. 45, July 1973
The Four Loves: "Affection." Essays: "Miracles Rationalized," reprinted from Times Literary Supplement (June 14, 1947); "Lewis's Revision of Miracles, Chapter 3" by Eugene McGovern. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 46, August 1973
No meeting. Essay: "Dante in the Works of C.S. Lewis" by Dr. Gisbert Kranz, translated by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letters from Charles Wrong concerning Lewis and suicide. Ten pages.
No. 47, September 1973
"Lewis, the Christian Rhetorician." Essay: "Myth in the Apologetic Works" by John Fitzpatrick. Photocopy of a letter and a sketch Lewis sent to Sr. Penelope, CSMV. Letters. Financial report. Eight pages.
No. 48, October 1973
"The Rules of the Game," with Prof. Paul Holmer. Essay: "Joseph Wood Krutch and C.S. Lewis: A Comparison and a Letter" by J.R. Christopher. A Narnian crossword puzzle. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 49, November 1973
The Four Loves: "Friendship." Essay: "C.S. Lewis and Homosexuality" by Margaret P. Hannay. A list of translations of Lewis's books; notes on "The Lewis Collection at Wheaton College"; "BBC Productions of Lewis's Works"; "A Memorial Service in Thankful Memory of C.S. Lewis." Eight pages.
No. 50, December 1973
"The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment" with essay by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 51, January 1974
Reflections on the Psalms with essay by Robert Merchant. Memoir, "Recollections of C.S. Lewis" by Luke Rigby, O.S.B. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 52, February 1974
No meeting because of a snowstorm. Essay: "C.S. Lewis and Anthroposophy" by A.C. Harwood, reprinted from Anthroposophical Quarterly (Winter 1973). Photograph of Rudolf Steiner. Essay: "The Function of Criticism," reprinted from Times Literary Supplement (Nov. 3, 1961). Letters. Eight pages.
No. 53, March 1974
"Lewis and MacDonald." Essay: "An Introduction to the Curdie Books of George MacDonald, Including Parallels Between Them and the Narnian Chronicles" by Mary Kirkpatrick. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 54, April 1974
The Four Loves: "Eros." Essays: "Eros in That Hideous Strength" by Jack Haynes; "Warren Hamilton Lewis: An Appreciation" by Walter Hooper. Eight pages.
No. 55, May 1974
"Books Which Influenced Lewis." Essays: "Lewis and MacDonald" by Mary Kirkpatrick; "Tormance and C.S. Lewis" by William Linden; "Some Notes on Chesterton" by Eugene McGovern. Eight pages.
No. 56, June 1974
"Metaphor in The Great Divorce." Essay (excerpts): "The Great Divorce: Life After Death in Metaphor" by Lois Westerlund. "C.S. Lewis: A Bibliographical Supplement," compiled and annotated by J.R. Christopher and Joan K. Ostling. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 57, July 1974
The Four Loves: "Agape." Essays: "Some Little-Known Books in Lewis's Background" by Henry Noel. "How Your Bulletin Gets to You: A Mechanical Tale." Eight pages.
No. 58, August 1974
No meeting. Essays: "A Clear Thinker" by Hope Kirkpatrick; "The Child motif in That Hideous Strength" by Charles J. Nolan, Jr.; "C.S. Lewis and the Mind-Body Identity Thesis" by J.D. Memory; "Some Children's Thoughts on The Horse and His Boy." Question Box. Notes. Letters. Sixteen pages.
No. 59, September 1974
"Lewis as Seen by Those Who Knew Him" with essay, "The New Ingredient" by Eugene McGovern. Essays: "C.S. Lewis" by John Wain, reprinted from Encounter (May 1964); "Body and Mind in That Hideous Strength" by Laurie Lieb. Notes. Letters. Financial report. Fourteen pages.
No. 60, October 1974
Surprised by Joy. Essays: "An Analysis of 'The Apologist's Evening Prayer'" by J.R. Christopher; "The Inklings and the 20th Century: Did They Back Away?" by Corbin Scott Carnell (reprinted from Catholic Currents). Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 61, November 1974
Fifth Anniversary Issue. Report of the meeting by Robert Merchant. Essays: "A Clerke of Oxenforde" by James Como;" "Our First Five Years" by Eugene McGovern; "The Story of Two Lives" by Byron Lambert; "'From the Master's Lips'": "W.B. Yeats as C.S. Lewis Saw Him" by J.R. Christopher. "The Old Grey Mare," "Awake, My Lute!" and (with Owen Barfield) "Abecedarium Philosophicum." A Letter from Walter Hooper, A Letter to Clyde S. Kilby. Photographs. Reviews. Notes. Letters. The Charter of the Society. Twenty-four pages.
No. 62, December 1974
"The View of Woman in Lewis and in Charles Williams." Essay: "The Rebirth of Christ" by Jeffrey Hart, reprinted from National Review (Dec. 28, 1965). Letters. Eight pages.
No. 63, January 1975
The Green-Hooper biography of Lewis. Essays: "The People's New Clothes: A Biography, Its Readers, and Its Subject" by James Como; Paul Elmer More and C.S. Lewis" by Richard Doney and Byron C. Lambert. Eight pages.
No. 64, February 1975
"'Membership,' With Special Emphasis on Lewis's Idea of Hierarchy." Essay: "Hierarchy in C.S. Lewis" by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 65, March 1975
"Echoes of St. Bonaventure in The Great Dance on Perelandra." Essays: "The Ubiquitous Center in Bonaventure and in Lewis" by Jaime Vidal; "Men and Morals in Space" by John M. Phelan, reprinted from America (Oct. 9, 1965). Eight pages.
No. 66, April 1975
"Life After Death: Visions of Lewis and Williams," with essay by Naomi Frost. Announcement of a Screwtape Competition, with sketch by Geoff Jeanes. Notice of the founding of the C.S. Lewis Society of Princeton University. Notes. Letters. Twelve pages.
No. 67, May 1975
The use of Lewis's books in courses at Luther College, Teaneck, NJ. Excerpts from students' essays. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 68, June 1975
The Narnian stories. Essays: "'Other Worlds' in Fiction" by Geoff Jeanes; "The View from Malacandra" by Donald Watt. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 69, July 1975
"An Evening With Walter Hooper," which took the form of answers to questions from the audience. Essay: "C.S. Lewis in Cambridge: Some Personal Impressions" by R.W. Ladborough. Notes. Letters. Twelve pages.
No. 70, August 1975
Special issue: "Opposition is True Friendship." Essays: "C.S. Lewis and Historicism" by Owen Barfield; "The Barfield-Lewis 'Great War'" by Lionel Adey; "The Common Ground of Lewis and Barfield" by James G. Colbert, Jr.; "Christianity and Progress" by Charles Wrong. Twenty-four pages.
No. 71, September 1975
"The Case for Christianity," with essay, "What Christians Believe" by Robert Merchant. "A Toast to the Memory of C.S. Lewis" by A.C. Harwood, with photograph. Notes. Letters. Financial report. Eight pages
No. 72, October 1975
"Belief: A Functional View," with essay by Beverly Arlton. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 73, November 1975
Till We Have Faces, with essay by James Como. Other essays: "Mystic Experience in Till We Have Faces" by Carolyn Keefe; "The Labors of Psyche: A Sorting of Events" by J.R. Christopher. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Letters. Fourteen pages.
No. 74, December 1975
The Great Divorce, with essay, "The Beginning of the Real Story: Images of Heaven in C.S. Lewis and Dante" by Lawrence Cobb. Short essay: "Why Are We Members of the C.S. Lewis Society?" by Lawrence Cobb. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 75, January 1976
The Allegory of Love, presented by Jim Tetreault and summarized for the Bulletin by James Como. Essay: "The Nature and Function of Myth in the Christian Thought of C.S. Lewis" by John T. Stahl. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Notes. Letters. Fourteen pages.
No. 76, February 1976
The Great Dance in Perelandra, with essay by John Kirkpatrick. Essay: "C.S. Lewis's Problem with Petitionary Prayer" by Eric C. Meyer, C.P. Letter. Twelve pages.
No. 77, March 1976
The Screwtape Letters, with essay, "Screwtape, Satan, and Sophistication" by Susan Hall. Winning entries in the Screwtape Competition, by Larry Walker and Jennifer Swift. Eight pages.
No. 78, April 1976
Narrative Poems, with essay by Richard Hodgens. Short essay: "The Three Roads: A Comment on 'The Queen of Drum'" by Carol Ann Brown. "MLA Seminars on Lewis" by James Como. Letters. Eighteen pages.
No. 79, May 1976
"Imagination and Reality" with Paul Holmer as speaker. Essay: "Memories of a January Term Abroad" by Constance Danner. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 80, June 1976
The Personal Heresy, with essay by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letter. Eight pages.
No. 82, August 1976
No meeting. Essay: "Lewis's View of Science" by Martha C. Sammons. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Financial Report. Eight pages.
No. 83, September 1976
"The Poison of Subjectivism," with essay, "On the Objectivity of Moral Values" by Eugene McGovern. Essay: "Transformed Nature: 'Where is it Now, the Glory and the Dream?'" by J.R. Christopher. Twelve pages.
No. 84, October 1976
"Minitopics on Lewis," with essays, "The Land Where the Shadows Fall: The Idea of Heaven in C.S. Lewis" by Carol Ann Brown, and "Obedience and Surrender in Narnia" by John Morrison. Essay: "A Visit to the Wade Collection at Wheaton College" by Sr. Ignatius Miller, OSU. Notes. Letters. Twelve pages.
No. 85, November 1976
Miracles, with essay by Robert Merchant. "A Prayer Written on the 13th Anniversary of C.S. Lewis's Death" by Corbin Scott Carnell. The By-Laws of the Eldila of the Society. Eight pages.
No. 86, December 1976
"Lewis and Eliot," with essay by James Tetreault. Quotations from Eliot, Lewis, and Lincoln. Reports of a conference on Lewis at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and on the Special Session on Lewis at the MLA convention. Book Notes. Letters. Sixteen pages.
No. 87, January 1977
An Experiment in Criticism, with an essay by Linda Bridges. "Charles Colson's Born Again." Eight pages.
No. 88, February 1977
Recording of The Screwtape Letters. Essays: "Masculine and Feminine: The Shape of the Universe" by Lawrence W. Cobb;" "Fantasy in a World of Monochrome: Where C.S. Lewis Continues to Help" by W. Fred Graham, and a reply to Graham by Stuart D. Robertson, both reprinted from The Christian Century. Notes. Letters. Twelve pages.
No. 89, March 1977
"Narnia, The Magic Flute, and The Tempest," with Fr. William Eddy as Chairman. Essay: "C.S. Lewis: The Man and What He Stood For" by Lionel Adey. Eight pages.
No. 90, April 1977
Meeting devoted to "Minitopics." "A Lewis Evening in London" by Mary Kirkpatrick; "A Conference on the Oxford Christian Writers at Messiah College" by Susan F. Jonas; "Lewis, Sayers, and ?" (a selection of quotations) by Carol Ann Brown; Letters. Eight pages.
No. 91, May 1977
Letters to An American Lady, with essay by Dr. Dora Chaplin. Essay: "C.S. Lewis's Annotations to His Shakespeare Volumes" by Lionel Adey. Letters. Sixteen pages.
No. 92, June 1977
Narnia, with essay, "Once Upon a Narnia" by Carol Ann Brown. Essay: "The Angel of the Law in The Great Divorce" by Eugene Warren. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 93, July 1977
"Lewis on Husbands and Wives," with excerpts from an essay by Naomi Frost. Essay: "C.S. Lewis and the Formation of 'Mere Christianity'" by Roland M. Kawano.. Eight pages.
No. 94, August 1977
No meeting. The issue was devoted to the Society's first "Lewis Weekend," held at Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, CT, August 12-14. Essays: "Reflections of an Editor" by Walter Hooper;" "Orual's Complaint Against the Gods." Sixteen pages.
No. 95, September 1977
"Lewis: The Believing Skeptic." Essays: "Some Notes on C.S. Lewis's The Dark Tower and Other Stories" by Charles Brady; "Preparing a College Library Exhibit on C.S. Lewis" by Bela Kapotsy. A summary of the responses to the questionnaire that accompanied the September 1976 issue. Notes. Financial Report. Sixteen pages.
No. 96, October 1977
Out of the Silent Planet, with essay, "It All Depends on the Point of View" by Lois Westerlund. Essay: "C.S. Lewis and the Chinese" by Paul Clasper, reprinted from Quarterly Notes on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.
No. 97, November 1977
"Jolly Decent, Jolly Profitable: C.S. Lewis and His American Publishers," with William Griffin, Senior Editor at Macmillan. Essays: "Logres and Britain: The Dialectic of C.S. Lewis's That Hideous Strength" by John H. Timmerman; "The Rhetorical End: 'Venus at St. Anne's'" by Charles J. Nolan, Jr. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Letters. Notes. Fourteen pages.
No. 98, December 1977
"Lewis and ... Management?!" Essay: "'The Man Born Blind': Light in C.S. Lewis" by Martha C. Sammons. Eight pages.
No. 99, January 1978
"Chesterton and Lewis," with essay, "Chesterton and Lewis: The Necessary Angels" by John Martin. Brief essay: "Lewis and Charlotte Yonge" by Sr. Ignatius Miller, OSU. Fourteen pages.
No. 100, February 1978
"Words, and The Word," with essay by Amos Franceschelli. Notes. Letters. Three photographs of Lewis. Twelve pages.
No. 101, March 1978
The Four Loves, with essay by Emilie Griffin. Letters. Note. Eight pages.
No. 102, April 1978
The Dark Tower, with essays: "Notes on Lewis's The Dark Tower" by Richard Hodgens and "Touring The Dark Tower" by J.R. Christopher. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Letter. Sixteen pages.
No. 103, May 1978
The Personal Heresy, with essay, "The Final Essays in The Personal Heresy" by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letters. Ten pages.
No. 104, June 1978
"Lewis and Purgatory," with essay, "In the Dentist's Chair, or, Farther Up and Farther In?" by Burton Everist. Notes. Eight pages.
No. 105, July 1978
"Social Morality," with essay by Eugene McGovern. Eight pages.
No. 106, August 1978
No meeting. Essay: "The Ancients versus the Moderns: Thoughts on The Abolition of Man" by G.B. Tennyson, reprinted from The Occasional Review. Letters. Twelve pages.
No. 107, September 1978
"Lewis on Death and Resurrection," with essay by Walter Ramshaw. Notes. Financial Report. Eight pages.
No. 108, October 1978
"Two Authors Whom Lewis Recommended," with essays: "Notes on a Lost Eulogy" (on Dorothy L. Sayers), by Carol Ann Brown; "One Who Gave 'Ardour to Virtue and Confidence to Truth'" (on Samuel Johnson) by Eugene McGovern. Twelve pages.
No. 109, November 1978
The Pilgrim's Regress. Essay: "The Talk of Christian Men" by Walter Hooper (a review of Humphrey Carpenter's The Inklings, reprinted from Christian World). Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 110, December 1978
"Lewis, the Apologist," with essay by Robert Merchant. Notes. Eight pages.
No. 111, January 1979
Selected Literary Essays, with essay by Linda Bridges. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.
No. 112, February 1979
"C.S. Lewis and the Foolish Things of the World," with essay by John Martin. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Notes. Letters. Sixteen pages.
No. 113, March 1979
Perelandra, with essay by Richard Hodgens. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 114, April 1979
"Lewis on Prayer" with essay by Beverly Arlton. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 115, May 1979
Meeting devoted to a showing of the first two parts of "Through Joy and Beyond." Essays: "C.S. Lewis as medievalist" by Judith Kollmann; "The Sound of Friendship" by Owen Barfield (a review of They Stand Together, reprinted from Christian World). Letters. Eight pages.
No. 116, June 1979
C.S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table, with James Como. Essay: "Mirrors of Ourselves" by Carol Ann Brown. Notes. Eight pages.
No. 117, July 1979
Sheldon Vanauken's A Severe Mercy and Humphrey Carpenter's The Inklings, with essay by Walter Ramshaw on A Severe Mercy. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 118, August 1979
No meeting. Essays: "Jane McNeill and C.S. Lewis" by Mary Rogers (reprinted from The Chronicle of the Portland C.S. Lewis Society); "A Note on The Abolition of Man" by James G. Colbert, Jr.; "Lewis's Objective Room: Key to Aesthetics" by Charles J. Nolan, Jr. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens, Notes. Eight pages.
No. 119, September 1979
"Fresh Views of Humankind in Lewis's Poems," with essay by John Kirkpatrick. Financial report. Eight pages.
No. 120, October 1979
"The Idea of Covenant in Narnia," with essay by John Morrison. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 121, November 1979
A celebration of the Society's Tenth Anniversary. Essays: "Equality" by C.S. Lewis (reprinted from The Spectator, August 27, 1943); "A Toast" by James Como; "The Society's First Ten Years" by Richard Hodgens; "Members' Responses to the Society's Questionnaire" by Hope Kirkpatrick. Two photographs of Lewis. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 122, December 1979
They Stand Together, with essay "Late Wine: The Letters to Arthur Greeves" by Eugene McGovern. Essay: "Was Lewis Consistent on Punishment and Purgatory?" by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letters. Ten pages.
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"Shortly after Lewis died, those who knew his works were far fewer than now, and they delighted in giving and receiving new light on Lewis's books. ... Many of us hung on the latest issue of CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C.S. Lewis Society and other publications, eager to know what the others were saying about this remarkable writer."
Walter Hooper, from his Foreword to Beyond the Shadowlands​​
Walter Hooper
Photo by Lancia Smith